We had a wonderful first Christmas together. It was really nice to be together the whole time and not have to leave each other. This picture is of us showing that it is our first Christmas together. As you can see, Chad is really excited and into the picture.

We went to my mom's house for about a week. My grandparents, two aunts, brother, sister, and brother-in-law were all there for Christmas. It was really nice for us to all be together because we have not all been together in so long. This picture is everyone that was at my mom's for Christmas.

Katie's parents live about 30 minutes from my mom's house and she was there for Christmas. Leah and Rick were back in Atlanta for Christmas after moving to Seattle. We all met at the Dawsonville outlet mall the day after Christmas for lunch and a little shopping. It was good to visit with them and for us to all be together again.
We went to Chattanooga after Christmas and for New Year's to celebrate with Chad's family. While there I celebrated my 29th birthday. Mark's (Chad's uncle) birthday is on Dec. 31st so we celebrated together and shared an ice cream cake. Unfortunately, we were so busy having fun that we didn't take many pictures in Chattanooga, but we had a great time as always!
Once again, we had a great Christmas! We were so fortunate to be able to see so many of our family members. We look forward to many more exciting Christmas' always together!